Craft / Food Stalls

If you’re interested in getting involved, we want you! If you are a craft maker or food stallholder please read on to find out how to apply, or if you are a musician, roving artist, performer or presenter click here.


Right-o, crafty folk and foodie stalls - to apply as an expression of interest to get involved with the Grey Lynn Park Festival, please email our stallholder organiser using the handy template below (insider tip - use copy / paste to this this content into your email!).


Dear Grey Lynn Park stall organiser,

I would like to apply for a Food/Craft Stall for the upcoming Grey Lynn Park Festival. I want to sell my wares which are: self-produced my own design, but produced overseas part imported, part self-produced self-produced from imported ingredients I create ceramic teapots, mugs, cups/saucers and ceramic ornaments. I have my own pottery and have been producing ceramic homewares since (insert date!).

History of Trade: (insert markets you’ve been to i.e. Whitianga Craft Day)

Items for sale:  (i.e. teapots, mugs, cups/saucers and ceramic ornaments)

Percentage of goods handmade BY ME: ____ %

Trading Name: (i.e. best product or food offering ever)

Name: (first name, surname) important note - we register you with your email and surname

Address: (street number, street name)

Suburb: (suburb)

Town: (town)

Phone: (area-phone)

Mob: (cell-phone-number)

Email( remember, important note - we register you with your email and surname

Facebook: (link)

Website: (link)

Attach: (picture of stall/picture of products) note, not a website link - please show us what you are all about this will help your application

Regards, (your name)



Once we have assessed your interest and determined that your offering is a good fit for the Grey Lynn Park Festival, we will send you an application form. In the meantime for more information please see:

Stallholder Information

Stallholder Conditions